Then the Name of the Living Word, of the only begotten Son of YaHuWaH is YaHuWSHuWăH. YaHuWaH has already been derived, so we only need to get to the point of the last part of the name of YaHuWSHuWăH. The child root of the last part of the Name is H7775 HOUS (SHuWăH) meaning a cry for help when the ‘H” shepherd is present to help/succor the sheep. This comes from the child root H7773 OUS (SHuWă) simply meaning ‘to cry out,’ but there is no one to hear. So when YaHuWSHuWăH refers to Himself as the Good Shepherd or Shepherd, He is referring to this play on words for the child roots.Joshua is the middle form of YaHuWaH as ‘YaHuW’ + ShuWă H7773 meaning the crying out to YaHuWaH as YaHuW’SHuWă; and this name is a foreshadowing of the One Who is to come YaHuWSHuWăH. YaHuW’SHuWă (Joshua) is missing the final ‘H’ which is in the Name of YaHuWaH, because the Father will not share His Name or His KaBauWD with any other. Also we have Exodus 23:20 And behold, I-do-send-forth My Angel before your face, that He-may-guard you in the way, that He-may-bring you into the land which I-have-prepared for-you.21 Take-Heed to-yourself, and You-Hearken to-Him, and You-Do-Not-Refuse-Compliance to- Him, for not-in-any-way does-He-draw-back-from you, for My Name is upon Him!The part about ‘...My Name is upon Him!’ means that the Name of His Father is not only upon Him but upon His Name. So now, H3068 in the middle form as YaHuW + SHuWăH (H7775) then yields HOUSUHY (YaHuWSHuWăH); hence “He-Who exists and breathes, Whose speech is attached to Him Behold.” There are seven Ancient Hebrew letters in this name and each one represents a form of the Living Water brought by the breath of the RuWaCH QuaDaSH. There are seven forms; Fear and Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, Council and Might, and the final and most important one ‘Truth,’ which is the central branch of the MaNaRaH through which all other branches must pass. This is seen in Revelation 1:12 “And I-did-turn-around to see the voice which was-speaking with me. And having turned-around, I-did-perceive seven golden lampstands, 13 And in the-midst of the seven lampstands One-like the-Son of-ADaMkind-man, having-been- clothed to-the-feet, and having-been-girded at the breasts with a-golden belt.”So YaHuWSHuWăH is all seven forms of the Truth of the living breathed Word of His Father, YaHuWaH, which is breathed out by His RuWaCH QuaDaSH.
Continuing then, in Ancient Hebrew the "H" (H) is pronounced as "Huwah," and in its usages as an acrophone it is Hu, or as HuW in a compound word. And it means "the" as prefixed before a word as "Ha." Then as part of a child root in the front or middle it is always "Hu", and as a final letter suffix it is "aH", so there are three forms of its acrophonic usage.WaW (U) is "uWaH" = uW (No this is not a vaw or ‘V’ and never has been, except in some dialects of Aramaic. Neither is it simply a “W.”In Ugarat and Akkadian, the two sister languages of Ancient Hebrew it is a Waw and it is not simply a ‘V’ or a ‘W,’ but is pronounced ‘uW.’ And in Greek it is the Upsilon as a ‘U”, and the ‘V’ in Latin is the "U", also in Old English there was no J, V, Q, or W, but there is a ‘U.’The "Y" (Y) is "YaD" in Ancient Hebrew, and its acrophone is ‘Ya’ as in YaHuWDaH, ‘Yi’ as in YiTSaCHaQ (Isaac) because here the ‘Yi ‘is used to make a nominative masculine prefix, meaning "He-laughed”, or ‘iY’ (Masculine) as in ALuHiYM as a suffixual form of YaD.The Samaritan Pentateuch has some differences but it is primarily a regurgitation of the Masoretic text, and In No Way Does It Represent Ancient Hebrew And Its Meanings, and it cannot be relied upon for pronunciation, or textual commentary. However with very, very little exception, the Dead Sea Scrolls do follow very well with the Septuagint Greek.The Ancient Hebrew started being replaced by Solomon by rubbing shoulders with Hiram the Phoenician (2 Samuel 5:11, 1 Kings 5:1, 12, 9:27). Tyre is an ancient Phoenician city. During that time the Ancient Hebrew became the stick figure Paleo Hebrew and lost its pictographic nature and a lot of its prior Ancient Hebrew meaning. This was the beginning of the first alphabetic corruption.Then Ezra a priest and scribe (Ezra 7:6, 12) was a speedy re-writer (Neh 8:4 - 8) of the older forms of Hebrew into Aramaic because of the Babylonian captivity to make sense to the people. For the people no longer understood Hebrew but only the ‘Lingua Franca’ of Babylon, which was Aramaic.The Quattuordecim (XIV) was a conversion/translation of the Paleo-Hebrew Scriptures, and other older Hebrew manuscripts into Aramaic ‘Square letter Hebrew’ by 14 men starting circa 458 B.C., until the official unveiling by a public reading on New years day, Nisan 1, 445 B.C. (Neh 8:4 - 8) The result was to have-been an almost perfect replica of the Paleo-Hebrew Scriptures into Aramaic/Hebrew, but it was not. The beginning of four notable and deliberate exceptions is early prima-facia evidence of textual tampering. The seemingly minor anti-Samaritan changes in the text were to counter their claim that Mount Gerizim and not Jerusalem was ALuHiYM’s QuaDaSH mountain. This textual tampering then, along with many more places was known, and Jeremiah spoke of the poison pen of the Scribes, see Jeremiah 8:8. Here are the names of the 14 translators of the Quattuordecim:Ezra, Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, Maaseiah, Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchiah, Hashum, Hashbadana, Zechariah, Meshullam (KJV Neh 8:4). So this became the second generation of alphabetic corruption. (KJV names and pronunciation)However the ‘Chaldee’, ‘Phoenician’, ‘Aramaic’ and ‘Old Syriac’ alphabets are all the same 22 letter alphabet, thanks mainly to the Phoenician traders. So the Hebrews in the Baylonian captivity learned the ‘Lingua-Franca’ of Babylon, which was Aramaic, where we get our modern day square letter text of so-called Hebrew.
So to conclude, the Hebrews gave up the QuaDaSH language in favor of a trade language. So then, Chaldee, Phoenician, Aramaic, and Old Syriac are all the same trade language and alphabet, but not Hebrew, especially not Ancient Hebrew. These four languages are based on 11's, 22's, and 121's, this is based off the Kabbalah and its ‘SPELLing Magic.’So then, why would we want to rely on a profane language, which composes all of our Modern Bibles’ Old Testaments, for the QuaDaSH things that only Ancient Hebrew can provide? Such as the Great Name of YaHuWaH, and His only begotten Son, YaHuWSHuWaH!
Replay Link Introduction as to how we have all been lied to:
Start at minute mark 38:30
Conversation of spiritual insights:
Explaining the Fathers name and why our authorized versions of scriptures are defiled,
Start at minute mark 24:00-40:15