The Scripture Books listed below will be delivered to you in PDF form for you to print out on your computer or to print at your local print shop,
Obadiah/ABaDYaH $20.00
Amos/AMauWS $34.00
Habakkuk/AMBaQuWM $34.00
Haggai/CHaGiY $34.00
Hosea /HauWSHaYaH $34.00
Malachi/MaLAKiY $34.00
Micah/MiYKaH $34.00
Nahum/NaCHauWM $34.00
Zephaniah/TSaPanYaH $34.00
Joel/YaHAL $34.00
Jonah/YauWNaH $34.00
Zechariah/ZaCHaRYaHuW $34.00
NaCHaM'YaH/Nehemiah $60.00
Total for all twelve minor prophets $394.00 if ordered Separately
Total for all twelve minor prophets $300.00 if ordered as a Set
Pentateuch - the first five books
Genesis/Ba'RaSHiYTH $100.00
Exodus/uW'ALaHSHaMauWTH $100.00
Numbers/Ba'MaDaBaR $100.00
Leviticus/ KaHaNaH of LauWiY (uW’YiQuaRA) $100.00
Deuteronomy/DaBaRYM $100.00
Major Prophets
Old Greek Daniel/DaNiYAL (Real Daniel) $75.00
YaSHa'YaHuW/Isaiah 100.00
YiCHaZaQAL/EzeKiel $120.00
YiRaMYaHuW/ JEREMIAH $120.00
1 SHaMo'AL/ 1 Kings
1/2 price $50.00 until after proofing on the weekly live conference call
Then after proofing $100.00
YaHuW'SHuWa/Joshua $100.00
1/2 price $50.00 until after proofing on the weekly live conference call
Then after proofing $100.00
The Writings
Ruth/RaGHauWTH $34.00
Book of Esther $60.00
1/2 price $25.00 until after proofing on the weekly live conference call
Then after proofing $50.00
Song of Solomon/ SHaiYR Ha'SHaiYRiYM (Special Color Version) $40.00
Song of Solomon/ SHaiYR Ha'SHaiYRiYM (Black and White) $34.00
The Provable New Testament from the Papyri
John/YaH'CHaNaN $85.00
Jude/YaHuWDaH $20.00
James/YaHaWuaB $34.00
Hebrews/aBaRiYM $50.00
Revelation/Ha'GaLA $65.00
Total New Testament is $254.00, if you purchase it all it is right now $180.00
When the books are finished, then they will be priced
according to the work put into them.
Psalms $120.00
The Maxims for SaLaMaH (Proverbs) $70.00
Book of SHaiYRaCH
Half price until after final proofing $35.00
Then after proofing on the weekly live conference call $70.00
CHaKaMaH/ Book of Wisdom $50.00
The Book of SHaiYRaCH/Sirach $110.0
1/2 price $50.00 until after proofing on the weekly live conference call
Thanks for your generous donations to further the Kingdom of YaHuWaH