The following piece is very important and needs to be paid close attention to. Fortunately it was saved before it disappeared from the web, However I do not have the author's name who did of the audio. If someone knows please let us know. The whole point of this video is for all ADaMKind Kindred of YaHuWaH to understand that Modern Khazarian/Edomite-Judaism is communism and communism is Modern Khazarian/Edomite-Judaism; and this right from the horses mouth, and has at times even been posted on the web publicly as such. However, the main takeaway from the Audio of a Video is that Modern Khazarian/Edomite-Judaism is the sworn demonic enemy of the ADaMkind Kindred of YaHuWaH; and the Modern Khazarian/Edomite-Judaism is literally Hell-bent on destroying the ADaMkind Kindred of YaHuWaH !!!
Audio on the Definition of Woookkkeee as Commmunismm
Start at minute mark 3:36.15 to 4:05.05 on this link "
How our world has been programmed.
Untold history.
In 1913, Colonel Edward Mandell House helped to pick the charter members of the original Federal Reserve Board.
Edward Mandell House (originally “Huis” which became “House”) was born July 26, 1858 in Houston, Texas. He became active in Texas politics and served as an advisor to President Woodrow Wilson, particularly in the area of foreign affairs. House functioned as Wilson's chief negotiator in Europe during the negotiations for peace (1917-1919), and as chief deputy for Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference. He died on March 28, 1938 in New York City.
Edward and his father had friends in the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan dispensed vigilante justice after the Civil War. In 1880 a new legitimate group was in charge of dispensing justice in Texas -- the Texas Rangers. Many of the Texas Rangers were members of the Klan. Edward was the new master. Edward gained their loyalty by stroking their egos. Edward would use his money and influence to try and make them famous. Edward eventually inherited the Texas Ku Klux Klan.
Edward Mandell House helped to make four men governor of Texas: James S. Hogg (1892), Charles A. Culberson (1894), Joseph D. Sayers (1898), and S. W.T. Lanham (1902). After the election House acted as unofficial advisor to each governor. Hogg gave House the title "Colonel" by promoting House to his staff.
Edward wanted to control more than Texas, Edward wanted to control the country. Edward would do so by becoming a king maker instead of a king. Edward knew that if he could control two or three men in the Senate, two or three men in the House; and the President, he could control the country.
Edward would influence the candidate from behind the scenes. The people would perceive one man was representing them, when in reality; an entirely different man was in control. House didn't need to influence millions of people; he need only influence a handful of men. Edward would help establish a secret society in America that would operate in the same fashion -- the Council on Foreign Relations.
Edward Mandell House was instrumental in getting Woodrow Wilson elected as President. Edward had the support of William Jennings Bryan and the financial backing of the House of Rockefeller's National City Bank. Edward became Wilson's closest unofficial advisor.
Edward Mandell House and some of his schoolmates were also members of Cecil Rhodes Round Table group. The Round Table Group, the back bone of the Secret Society, had four pet projects, a graduated income tax, a central bank, creation of a Central Intelligence Agency, and the League of Nations.
Between 1901 and 1913 the House of Morgan and the House of Rockefeller formed close alliances with the Dukes and the Mellons. This group consolidated their power and came to dominate other Wall Street powers including: Carnegie, Whitney, Vanderbilt, Brown-Harriman, and Dillon-Reed. The Round Table Group wanted to control the people by having the government tax people and deposit the peoples money in a central bank. The Group would take control of the bank and therefore have control of the money. The Group would take control of the State Department and formulate government policy, which would determine how the money was spent. The Group would control the CIA which would gather information about people, and script and produce psycho-political operations focused at the people to influence them to act in accord with Round Table Group State Department policy decisions. The Group would work to consolidate all the nations of the world into a single nation, with a single central bank under their control, and a single International Security System. Some of the first legislation of the Wilson Administration was the institution of the graduated income tax (1913) and the creation of a central bank called the Federal Reserve. An inheritance tax was also instituted. These tax laws were used to rationalize the need for legislation that allowed the establishment of tax-exempt foundations. The tax-exempt foundations became the link between the Groupmember's private corporations and the University system. The Group would control the Universities by controlling the sources of their funding. The funding was money sheltered from taxes being channeled in ways which would help achieve Round Table Group aims.
Edward Mandell House had this to say in a private meeting with President Woodrow Wilson:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.
Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Study Chart Below:
About the only thing I can say about this is:
1) All of ADaMkind before the fall were predestined to be a part of the Father's household. For that is what they were created for in the first place.
2) The CHaiYTH were predestined to be born in time and to die in time, as they did not have the fullness of the RuWaCH as ADaMkind. Just as any other of the animals, creeping things, birds, etc.
3) After the Fall only righteous and in-Covenant ADaMkind would be destined to be a part of the Fathers' household. The rest were predestined to be as #4 and #5. But there was, and is, a choice; so by that ADaMkind is not predestined until the choice is made.
4) Unrighteous ADaMkind, was then predestined to be as Ha'SaTeN and his minions, since evil ultimately only has one, and a final predestined destination.
5) All evil at the beginning of the Creation in Gen 1:2 was predestined to never ever be in the Father's household. This would be Ha'SaTeN and all his fallen angel minion, QuaYNites, and fallen ADaMkind, and all of the Nephilim in cahoots and acting as his minions. However, even though choice was not an option for the angelic beings, when they took a choice or made a choice, that was not alloted to them as ADaMkind. They did not have the choice alloted to them, since they had already perceived the Father and the heavenlies: it was that un-alloted choice that put them on the predestined path that ultimately only has one, and a final predestined destination. They had the ability for choice, yes, but it was not an option.
Why is it that all modern Churchianity and believers are looking for their Hebrew roots?
It is because they have been duped by Esau/Edom/Khazarians with the Modern-Aramaic/Hebrew; which is not True Ancient Hebrew; in order to keep and usurp Religious/Political control via the Fake text of the Masoretic Old Testament. This is Baal-PaGHauWR sorcery, known today as Psy-ops! For the Masoretic text is a fabrication from the Talmud and the Midrash, and they know it, this is why they value and reverence the Talmud over the Scripture. Esau/Edom false-flag burned the Library of Alexandria, after taking the texts that they wanted and squirreling them
away in the Temple, so they could have the sole Religious/Political Control. Then they blamed the Roman Caesar for burning the Library of Alexandria. Then, what goes round comes round, when the Edomites angered Rome and they burnt the Temple and all their precious Documents for Religious/Political Control. So then they had faked and usurped authority which they were not entitled to, because they were Esau/Edom whom YaHuWaH does hate. So by 'Barnum and Baily Circus tactics', and the sorcery of 'you are what you say or present yourself to be (Acting)', then they have the false-front of pulling the wool over the eyes of believers in YaHuWSHuWaH MaSHiYaCH everywhere, so as to go and search out their Hebrew roots. This is a Grand Lie; for 'The LANGUAGE' was taken from them and 'Given to the Greeks' in the True Daniel 7:6 in circa 603 B.C., and the prophecy was fulfilled between 285 to 170 B.C., with the writing of the Septuagint. So follow the real logic below for the answer. This is also why there is such a war on ADaMkind-man right now.
The answer is:
1: Who has Hebrew roots, the SHaMites, as ADaMkind-men, then Hebrew, then YaSHaRAL.
2: YaHuWSHuWaH made Deliverance available to all ADaMkind-men of SHaM, CHaM and YaPaTH, who were ADaMkind-men after NaCH (NoaH) and long before the Hebrew and the YaSHaRAL parts.
3: The BaRiYTH (Covenant) started with NaCH, and then to his children, SHaM, CHaM and YaPaTH. Then to the SHaMites through ABRaHaM, YiTSsaCHaQ, and YaH'AQuaB. Who later became the Hebrews after YaH'AQuaB crossed over the YaBaQ river and was renamed YASHaRAL.
4: So the Covenant goes back to ABRaHaM, and his distant relatives (the-GoYiYM, and not cattle). ABRaHaM preceded YaSHaRAL, and the Hebrews.
5: So YaHuWSHuWaH has gone back to the time that precedes ABRaHaM, and has made Deliverance available to SHaM, CHaM and YaPaTH, all as ADaMkind kindred of the diminutive form of ALuHiYM; as ALuHiYMs of kindred. So we need to find our ADaMkind roots in the Original BaRiYTH overseen by YaHuWaSHuWaH, as the KaHaN GaDal, MaLaKiT-TSaDaQ, who made Himself known to ABRaHaM because His priesthood preceded ABRaHaM, and the LauWitical priesthood.
So we need to find our ADaMkind roots in the Original BaRiYTH by YaHuWaSHuWaH, as the KaHaN GaDal, MaLaKiT-TSaDaQ.
But it Esau breeds us out of existence, or mongrelizes us to extinction, or kills us all off; then, Ha'SaTeN wins through the seed Hated by YaHuWaH, known as Esau/Edom. So both Ha'SaTeN and his minions Esau/Edom/Khazariah are all extreme liars, and vehemently hate YaHuWSHuWaH, and His diminutive kindred in the form of ALuHiYM, known as ADaMkind-man. So they want to keep ADaMkind-man away from the True BaRiYTH at all cost.
Watch video here: If People Get Jabbed After Watching This They Are Beyond Saving