24 Letter Original Ancient Hebrew Text
The first link here is concerning the 24 Letter Original Ancient Hebrew Text is used and referenced in Transcribed English in these recordings.
Most people that study read the KJV which is from the government authorized version, which the public was allowed to have. The KJV Old Testament is based on the Khazaian/Edomite Masoretic Modern Aramcaic/Hebrew text. The KJV in both Testaments had been heavily tampered with by several secret societies, including the Masons. The true Original 24 Letter Ancient Hebrew tells us in Isaiah/ YaSha'YaHuW 9:6 - 7 as follows:
6 Because the-Child has-been-begotten to-us, the-Son has-been-given to-us, of-Whom the dominion has-come-to-be uponHis shoulder. And His name has-been-called ‘the-Angel of-the Great Plan*’. For He-shall-bring SHaLauWM upon the-rulers, and His health.
7 His Dominion is great, and of-His SHaLauWM there-is no limit upon the throne of-DauWD; and-even his kingdom He-did-erect the-selfsame, and to-receive-it-in-turn in judgment, and in righteousness, from the-present-time and for ever. The zeal of YaHuWaH TSaBa’ATH shall-perform this.
1st Century A.D.; MaSHiYaCH CHaG PaSaCH La'SHaMaR
(Ancient Hebrew)
Instructions For Keeping A Messianic Passover Feast
The Feast of-the Harvest of Firstfruits aka Centicost; there is no Penticost except to the followers of Paul rather than YaHuWSHuWaH, and the followers of those Judaizing. Pentecost is not in the Septuagint Greek as Pentecost, nor the Masoretic Aramaic/Hebrew. Also only in the Pauline material does it ever occur; but never in any of the other BaRiYTH CHaDaSHaH (New Testament) writings.
“You-shall-count for-yourselves seven entire weeks; then-you-shall-continue-from-then* to- count seven entire weeks, before your beginning to-put-the-sickle upon the-harvest.
10 And-then you-shall-do the-Feast of-Weeks* to-YaHuWaH your ALuHiYM; in-so-far-as your hand is-strong, for-as-much-as you-should- give, and in-so-far-as YaHuWaH your ALuHiYM has-BaRaKed you.
11 So-then you-shall-be-gladdened before YaHuWaH your ALuHiYM, and your son, and your daughter, and your man-servant, and your maid-servant, and the LauWiYite who is among your cities; and the proselyte, and the orphan, and the widow among you-all; in the place whichsoever YaHuWaH your ALuHiYM should- choose for His Name to-be-called-upon there.
12 So-that you-shall-remember that you-were in-servitude in the-land of-MaTSaRaiYM; so- then you-shall-guard and you-shall-do-these Commandments.”
Cross References and Footnotes
9 Exo 17:8, 23:16; Lev 23:15 - 21
* - The Greek άρχή is the future middle indicative second person singular of the G756 αρχω meaning in the middle sense ‘to continue,’ or in time ‘to continue from a certain point in time.’
So the day after the Sheaf being lifted up in verse Leviticus 23:11, seven whole weeks is 49 days. Then on the morrow after the last whole week is counted, then seven more weeks shall continue to be counted. This is a future tense at this time showing action that ‘then’ needs to occur. This does not say that “‘you shall-have-counted’ fifty Days” as the verb then would have been άριθμηθήσονται the future passive indicative third person plural. So the Khazarian/Edomites and the intercalators of the Pauline books have brought us to think that this is simply a 50 day count period, it is not. Pentecost is only mentioned in the Pauline books, and by Judaizers, and never in the Septuagint Greek, or in the Masoretic Text as Pentecost G4005 (πεντηκοστή). However if one looks at the time to travel to Mount SiYNiY (Sinai) to receive the Royal THauWRaH the first time, it is 100 days, actually allowing for several RaSH CHaDaSHaHs it works out to 102 to 104 days depending on the year. In Exodus 23:16 this is called ‘The Feast of-the Harvest of-First-fruits.’ See the notes in Exodus on the provable time line for this. Pentecost is a farce.
Start at 9:05 minute mark
Isaiah Chapter 44
(Intro Exodus 20)
Start at 44:14 minute mark
The word Jesus is not the True Hebrew MaShiYaCH's (Messiahs) Name. There was no letter j in the English language until the 1524 A.D. Never has there been a letter j in the original Ancient Hebrew language. God, Gad, Gud are all interrelated names. God was a common Teutonic-Germanic word that was applied to superhuman beings of heathen mythologies.
Later the word "God" was adopted by Christianity as the generic name for the Supreme Being. It has become the most popular translation for the Hebrew word "ALuHiYM." As a result, most of Christendom believes that the Name for ALuHiYM is "God" and does not know that the personal Name of the Father is YaHuWaH. Gad was the Babylonian/Canaanite/Syrian deity of "Good Luck" or "Fortune," also called "Meni," the god of "Destiny" who was regarded as the "Lord Moon." The city of Gad was named after this deity. Gad was identified with Jupiter, the Sun-deity, and applied to Nimrod whose general character was that of a Sun-god or Sun-divinity. Gud was the Anglo-Saxon name for "good god" vs. an "evil god."
Original Hebrew Text, transcribed from the LXX:
Isaiah 65:11 But you-all are those-having forsaken Me, and those-having-forgotten my QuaDaSH mountain, and those-preparing a table to a demon*, and filling-up a- drink-offering to Fortune**.
* - The Greek 1142 meaning a bad sense a demon or evil spirit; also a god or goddess. so in this phrase it could also be seen as " and preparing a-table to a-God"; hence then in Christianity it could also be "and those preparing a-table to god". So then to those in christianity, they are doing this to god; hence the God of Fortune.
** The Greek means fortune or chance. The Original Hebrew 4507 meaning Meni the Babylonian God of fate or fortune.
Intoduction 2018 Centicost, 6 th commandment, Fathers name
Creators calendar according to the moon.
Learn the True Name of Our Father
Click Here: About the name Yahweh:
Click Here: RePlay Link- Hebrew Names Discussed -https://cldup.com/5PITU9xTKr.mp3
6th Commandment Thou shalt not mongrelize. Mix seed lines causing nations of people (a population or group of people) to become racially or ethnically mixed. We were taught that the 7th commandment said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Khazairan/ Edomite KJV version that they authorized the public to read; is a misdirect and out of order commandment. Their ultimate goal is to destroy the AdaMKind man seed line by mixing serpent seed through mongralization.
Sexual Sinne
They promote sexual sinne through their media and schools, knowing that women store DNA from every man they've ever had Illicit sexual intercourse with.
Mixing seed lines; Start at minute mark 15:30
Introduction of topic by Dan:
What about the KJV?
Genesis 37 & 38
Start at 14:39 minute mark
Get you a Septuagint and you will see just how many scriptures are not really in the
True Original Scriptures. Many of which have been made up by the false scribes for
their agenda in their KJV version and all other versions to control the masses.
New Moonth Explained:
RaSH CHaDaSH = a special kind of day that is specific and only happens once a month to start the moonth. This day is to be in many ways treated as s SHaBath. However if necessary one can go to war, as in the time of going to war with Jericho, and marching around the city for seven days, and still being able to keep the SHaBath. RaSH CHaDaSH (Rosh Hodesh in Aramaic/Hebrew) = is always the first day of the moonth. It is the night of the first-crescent, and the following day. To be kept as a SHaBaTh day unto Him. This is Day 1 of a 29 or 30 day moonth. So often times the Father has us worshiping Him 2 days in a roll on His calendar.
SHaBaTH #1 = the night of the 7th and the day of the 8th of the moonth. Quarter of waxing moon in the sky.
SHaBaTH #2 = the night of the 14th and the day of the 15th of the moonth. Full moon in the sky.
This also happens on the First day of Feast of Tabernacles and on First day of unleavened bread.
SHaBaTH #3 = the night of the 21th and the day of the 22th of the moonth. Quarter of the waning moon.
SHaBaTH #4 = the night of the 28th and the day of the 29th of the moonth. Dark moon at 0%.
Elongated SHaBaTH #4 = the night of the 29th and the day of the 30th of the moonth. This can also be looked at as an Elongated RaSH CHaDaSH Evening until the first-crescent. So this is a special kind of day at the end of the moonth which is the part of the 29 or 30 day count of the moonth, but it is not part of the Sabbath count; as the RaSH CHaDaSH is of necessity the next day to be looked for.
Then the cycle starts all over with the RaSH CHaDaSH.
So there are different kinds of days and they are not to be just considered as just any old day, as many do in error; as follows:
RaSH CHaDaSH = a special kind of day that is specific and only happens once a month to start the moonth. This day is to be in many ways treated as SHaBath.
The Work Day = it is a day for doing our work of any kind, of which we get six in a week.
The SHaBaTH = a different kind of day for the first two kinds of days.
The Extended SHaBaTH / The Extended RaSH CHaDasH Evening = is always the fourth SHaBaTH, and can be a different kind of day as well.
So the bottom line is that there are three different kinds of days, with the fourth SHaBaTH on a 30 day moonth also being different. So technically these could be then referred to as four different kinds of days.
Continue your research:
A 1st Century A.D.; MaSHiYaCH CHaG PaSaCH La'SHaMaR
(Ancient Hebrew)
Passover Feast
Recorded April 8, 2020
Start at 7:00 minute mark
Follow the readings in the provided HaGGaDaH
by DauWD
This is the Sixth Commandment in the Greek Septuagint, but in the anti-christ Canaanite -corrupted, Hebrew, Masoretic Text it is the Seventh Commandment.
DO NOT MONGRAiLIZE. 6th law of YaHuWaH
Click Here
First Fruits
Start at 19:30 minute mark
10 Commandments
Exodus 20
Start at 55:00- 1:56:19 minute mark
Who Is AdamKind Man
Start at 28:00 minute mark
July 14, 2018 Mixed Seed Line
Who's EsauRead the PDF online for Free. https://www.riksavisen.no/uploads/WeismanCharles_Esau-Edom.pdfOr https://documents.pub/amp/document/who-is-esau-edom.html